Assalamualaikum ..
hyee .. hello .. hoii . hola amigo and last but not least saranghaeyo ..

what ? HAHA .. abaikan ape yang aku dah merapu tahap nii ^^?
eh ? kenal aku lagi tak ? i'm sorry about that .. Ahha :)
now we have move on Mei already :) since that is about 7 months which it's been quite long since i wrote my last blog . And the most important thing are this is was my first entry for this year ?
yihaaaa .. Happy new year ..
errk ?
haaa .kau .. tengok ! dah berhabuk pun aku punya blog nii :)
tapi , ade aku kesah ?

gamaknya , aku telah menjadi penganggur terhormat sekarang nii :)
Harap maklum !
hanya mampu berdoa dan tawakal untuk tahu result sem II kali ni ..
wish me luck guys !
and pray for my result MEdSI test ^^
just waiting ..waiting ..and pray ..
i studied and study for my future , for my family , and the most important thing , i do is because Allah :)
we can only plan ,but HE determines everything !
eh ? kenal aku lagi tak ? i'm sorry about that .. Ahha :)
now we have move on Mei already :) since that is about 7 months which it's been quite long since i wrote my last blog . And the most important thing are this is was my first entry for this year ?
yihaaaa .. Happy new year ..

haaa .kau .. tengok ! dah berhabuk pun aku punya blog nii :)
tapi , ade aku kesah ?
this is my own blog .. my own privacy .. kalau ade yang tak puaih hati , meh face to face with tuan tanah hat comel nii ^^ wohhooo ..

i had super duper buzy life for the sem II in matriculation because of preparation for my final exam .
. Since i was a student for one year in matriculation , maka haruslah Ber"studyHard" for the final exam, assignment, tutor , jotter , practical for every subject , laboratory report and so on .
jyeahhh .. fighting !

Ahha .. tapi .. studyhard laaaahhhh sangat ! heee ~
finally everything is over .. Alhamdulillah :)
i have finally had its part for this time ..sumpah stress cos of lecturer rushing to finish the all course works , and the students are busy preparing for the finals ..
and now, i'm free from rules of matriculation ..
yihaaaaaaaa !

Harap maklum !
hanya mampu berdoa dan tawakal untuk tahu result sem II kali ni ..
wish me luck guys !
and pray for my result MEdSI test ^^
just waiting ..waiting ..and pray ..
i studied and study for my future , for my family , and the most important thing , i do is because Allah :)
we can only plan ,but HE determines everything !

p/s : buat adik-adik yang bakal melangkah ke alam form 6, matrikulasi, universiti , politeknik or yang seangkatan dengannya ,kalau tak dapat dari mane2 tawaran, jangan fikir yang anda tidak layak berada di salah satu tempat itu , sebabnya , kita nihh semua sama jee ~ takdak lebih takde kurang ..
yang membezakan manusia itu, adelah dri segi akal .. jangan fikir kalau dpt U hebat , tp kalau tak pandai addapt , kecundang jugak ..
seriously, that is in my experience :)
iye dok gitu ?
no matter what we choose, itu adelah suratan takdir :) buat pilihan yang terbaik !
terima dengan seadanya ..
only He knows what best for us ^.^
byeee ~ berjumpa lagi di lain hari ..
ewahhh !
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